Please contact the Big Oaks office directly for any questions concerning hunts
Each year BOCS and BONWR host a wild turkey (Spring) and a white-tail deer (Fall) youth hunt workshop and hunt. These are a unique way to involve the next generation in hunting and how it relates to wildlife conservation by learning about gun safety from officers and hunting skills from hunters. Hunting prizes are given to the youth hunters. All hunters must view the Big Oaks safety video prior to entering the refuge.
Turkey Hunt
The workshop takes place first. The hunt takes place the same week as the workshop, day will be determined and advertised closer to the event.
Wild turkey hunters can put in a lottery to be drawn for hunts on the refuge through the state in addition to a local drawing for two weekends in May.
If interested, please mail in your name and address to the refuge office by October 1st.
White-tail Deer
The hunt is held the morning after the workshop.
If interested, please mail in your name and address to the refuge office by April 1st.