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Become a member

To become a member, please fill out the section below. We will be sent a notification of your application. You do not need to be confirmed in order to complete this next step. Please send a letter with your name, email, phone, address, membership type you are applying for and a check with the correct balance (see below) to this address: 

Big Oaks Conservation Society
PO Box 935
Madison, IN 47250


Thank you for your interest in BOCS


To renew your membership, you do not need to fill out the form below. Just send a letter with the same information listed above to the address listed above. Memberships commence October 1st through September 30th of the fiscal year.


To become a volunteer or an intern, click here.

Thanks! Message sent.

Youth/Student Membership

Price: $5

Membership is for one year, and is due for renewal annually by October 1 of each year. New members who join in the last several months prior to October will be asked to renew their membership by October of the following (not same) year.​


Individual Membership

Price: $15​

Membership is for one year, and is due for renewal annually by October 1 of each year. New members who join in the last several months prior to October will be asked to renew their membership by October of the following (not same) year.


Family Membership

Price: $25​

Membership includes all member of the immediate family. Membership is for one year, and is due for renewal by October 1 of each year. New members who join in the last several months prior to April will be asked to renew their membership by April 1 of the following (not same) year.


Supporting Membership

Price: $100

Membership is for one year, and is due for renewal annually by October 1 of each year. New members who join in the last several months prior to October will be asked to renew their membership by October of the following (not same) year.


Golden Eagle/Corporate Membership

Price: $500​

Eligibility: Golden Eagle membership is available to an individual, group, business or corporation who supports Big Oaks Conservation Society or sponsors its activities with a monetary or in-kind contribution of $500 or more. Membership at this level is acknowledged at all events and activities, in printed material, and on our Facebook page and Website. Other benefits may be available.



  • Be invited to special events

  • Receive updates on refuge news and events 

  • Receive discounts on BOCS merchandise 

  • Help support Indiana's largest National Wildlife Refuge, a globally important bird area

  • Support youth education programs

  • Be able to volunteer to support the refuge's conservation efforts

Types of Memberships

Follow Us

Big Oaks NWR 1661 W. JPG Niblo Road Madison, IN 47250

Big Oaks Conservation Society. Post Office Box 935 Madison, IN 47250
Phone: (812) 273-0783
Fax: (812) 273-0786


Facebook: @bigoaksfriends

Instagram: @bigoaksconservation


©2016 by Big Oaks Conservation Society.

Proudly created with Designed by Audrey M. Basson (Intern at Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge Fall 2022 - Spring 2023).

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